We are proud to be winemakers dedicated to the pursuit of wine excellence. We have always been aware of the responsibility, as farmers and entrepreneurs, to protect and safeguard our most valuable assets: the land and the environment. Over the years our awareness has grown, from organic viticulture to the choice to embrace a broader concept, that of Sustainability.

Our daily commitment reflects our way of being winemakers and wine producers, an approach which puts men and the protection of nature at the centre, while promoting an economically reasonable way of doing business, in which innovation is put at the service of pursuit of excellence and constant improvement of environmental sustainability.

Pursuing our philosophy, in 2013 we got ISO14067 certification (ISO/TS 14067:2013 – GHG Greenhouse gases – Carbon footprint of products – Requirements and Guidelines for quantification and communication).

In the vineyard: cultivation and harvesting

In the cellar: vinification, bottling and labelling

In the warehouse: packaging and logistics

After achieving this first goal, Terre della Baronia GREEN LAB (GREEN HEART) project was born with the aim of becoming a 100% SUSTAINABLE winery.

Water supply

We only use water from our artesian wells and the two artificial lakes located in the Fondirò district, both for civil uses and irrigation and cellar processing.

Our cellar is equipped with channels for the recovery of processing waste water, which flows into an internal system that allows its filtration and recycling for agronomic and irrigation purposes.

In order to return the water taken from the environment to the environment itself, according to the most recent indications of bio-sustainability and the guidelines provided by the current legislation, the winery has decided to equip itself with a system “suitable” for the treatment of waste water that allows it to be purified naturally and then subsequently transferred to surface water, in compliance with the limits established by current regulations.

For this purpose, the solution adopted by the winery was horizontal submerged flow phytoremediation (SFS-H).

Sub-irrigation systems have been created using ducts placed approximately 70cm deep to hydrate the plants directly from the roots.

No loss of water due to evaporation. A system of sensors that monitors the needs of all sub-areas to best balance the quantity of water supplied.


Photovoltaic panels

We have chosen to focus significantly on green energy. The winery is characterised by a photovoltaic system that supplies over 80% of the energy needs, contributing significantly to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Organic Certification

We have always practiced organic farming. We began this journey around the mid-1980s and concluded in 2012, a period of time that allowed us to certify as organic all the plots owned by the winery, both those planted with vines and those not.

Certified organic animal fertilisers, such as cattle manure.

Nitrogenation technique through winter “green manure” which, added after the plant winter development, provides a supply of organic substance to the soil for root health.

Minimum use of agricultural machinery.

Grapes harvested by hand in all 97 hectares of vineyard.


Soil Biodiversity Certification

The acronym BIOPASS means: Biodiversity, Landscape, Environment, Soil, Society. Biodiversity monitoring and assessment in Terre della Baronia represent fundamental instruments for the sustainable management of our supply chain and to make informed choices. Biodiversity assessment of different components is essential to better understand the impact of our actions on living organisms in the vineyard ecosystem and surrounding land.

For this reason, the analysis of the morphological and chemical-physical characteristics of our soils represented a necessary step to subsequently begin the study on the correlations between soil and wine quality. Thus, from 2014 at regular intervals, we are selecting sample areas in which to carry out studies, sampling and related analyses, in order to draw up a document which, starting from the soil analysis, highlights the different correlations in ever greater detail, depending on factors such as: microclimate, aspect, grape varieties, age of the vineyards, training system. An essential study that provides us with scientific feedback on the work carried out in the vineyard: balanced soils rich in life, a fundamental heritage not only for our wines but above all for future generations.




Protecting the biodiversity of these hills is a constant commitment for us. For this reason, we have allocated a portion of the land surrounding the winery to the creation of a wood of approximately 7 hectares, characterised by plants typical of the Sicilian hills and which is growing day after day. Our small contribution to increasing the biodiversity of these places.

Azienda Agricola G. Milazzo
S.S. 123 km. 12+700
Campobello di Licata (AG) 92023
Sicilia, Italia

Tel: +39 0922 878207

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